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Hello, my name
is Ade Ely.

I’m a creative director,
art director and writer.

I began my career in London. But after taking a year out to go travelling in 2001, made a drastic life change and decided to stay on in Sydney and become an Aussie.


After a long stint at DDB Sydney, I moved to Russia to join Saatchi & Saatchi, where I worked on Head & Shoulders, OLAY and Google.


A year later I returned to Sydney to work at US Sydney, where I helped the fledgling agency make it into the top 5 creative agencies of Australia with award-winning work for SBS.

In 2010, I returned to Moscow as creative director at BBDO to work on all Mars brands including Snickers, Twix, Whiskas and Pedigree.

During my time there, I helped BBDO Moscow win Agency of the Year in all local award shows and won the agency’s first Cannes Lion.


On returning to Sydney in 2015, I joined Leo Burnett Sydney where I worked as a creative director for 7 years, working both locally and globally on Samsung, plus Bundaberg Rum, DNSW, and Red Rooster.

More recently, I have been working as a freelance creative director at The Royals, DDB Sydney and BMF and Special.

I've been fortunate enough to win awards at Cannes, One Show, The New York Festival, D&AD, AWARD, Promax, Epica, Effies, Eurobest and ADMA, Golden Hammer, Golden Drum, Red Apple, IDEA, KIAF, White Square and ADCR.

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